Monday, November 30, 2015

Staff of Power

Finding your Staff of Power means removing blocks that hinder you from fully shining as your true and authentic self. Holding your Staff of Power is learning how to manage and navigate the Universe through the lens of your truthful being. Your 'Staff' represents your truth, which is your power and true center. In your true center, you are always safe and will be led along your perfect path.

Tuesday, September 15, 2015

Letter to Everything

Hello 'Everything' as it pertains to me. 
While I undergo pain- there is a realization that I am co-creator with the pain. 
And so in taking responsibility for it, I must let this craziness go, once and for all.
I let you go, 'Control'.

Sometimes we don't even know we are seeking to control things, but we just do...
until we don't.

Higher Self; "I'm letting you know it's okay to release control. 
No-one is going to hurt you or do you wrong or bad- or anything at all. 
Everything is going to be okay. 
In fact, it will be better than okay because you can now release your grip on the world 
and trust." 

Trust your self, 
trust the world, 
trust the process.


copyright TuesdayMayThomas

Sunday, August 30, 2015

Staff of Power 1

Be mindful what you give your consent to. Be mindful what you give your unconscious agreement to. Is it in alignment with your inner truth? If not, stay neutral.

I used to go along with anything and everything. I used to follow the crowd and even allow myself to be bullied by other people's opinions or energy. 

I have since found my Staff of Power. I have learned how to say "no" gracefully. Another power I have found is the power of staying neutral. It is not a yes or a no, but rather a field of possibility that is not yet set in motion by your power of deciding.

Because every situation is not for you, does not mean that every situation is against you. We are ever learning, changing and growing. Sometimes we have to say yes, just so we can realize ..."oh, this is a no." As you cultivate self love, you will have the opportunity to say yes more often, and you will also learn how to gracefully say no thank you


Friday, July 17, 2015

Mother Teresa - An Enlightened Warrior that sets a powerful example of kindness.

Mother Teresa
A saint of compassion and love. An Enlightened Warrior that sets a powerful example of kindness.

The universe gifts us signals and signs all the time. When we are fortunate enough to be present and receive the blessings offered, we can find much comfort in these sacred messages from the 'source'.

At a recent visit to Kinkos I experienced a paper jam when attempting to make copies from the upper chamber of the machine. This prompted me to open the lid to make copies in the old fashioned way. Low and behold, I found a beautiful sketch of Mother Teresa in the copier. 

I looked around, thinking I would find the artist and give it to them... Maybe they forgot it? There was no one around, only me and Mother Teresa. I pondered that it may be a gift for me from the universe, but then decided it WAS a gift, but not just for me, for anyone who wanted to receive it. So I made a copy to take home and left it under the lid as I had found it. 

As soon as I got home, I found this moving interview with the Mother. In it she speaks about many types of poverty and hunger... and not just the 'no money, no home' kind of poverty and hunger, but a poverty of people feeling hungry to be 'loved'. She speaks of how many are hungry in the world, and not just for something to eat, but to be recognized as someone who can be loved, and to receive that love, to know love.

Upon receiving this gift of her in the copier at Kinkos, I had to ask myself; Where am I hungry to be loved in life? Where am I hungry to be loved in my body, mind, health, and emotions? I ask you- How can you share more love unto your self, out in your community, family or friendship circles?

I heard a speaker recently say that spirituality is simply about being a nice person to others. Maybe we can start there.
-Love Tuesday

Snake Dance

Anytime I am drawn to 'serpentine' crystal rocks, I know my kundalini is shifting sands. The serpent, or snake represents, among many things- an awakening. It's presence signifies there is energy within you that is seeking change or a release.

For most, we cannot 'stop' growing as children. Our bones and bodies know only to grow and change. Much like physical 'growing pains' that occur while we become youthfully mature stewards of the earth,... there can be emotional, mental and 'spiritual' growing pains that happen after our physical bodies have stopped growing. The truth is, we are always growing in one way or another. Growing new cells. new organs, new attitudes, new perspectives, new abilities to love and receive love... 

Are your spiritual practices awakening new levels of energy within you? Do you feel as if new memories are possible? Are you are willing to let go of pains of the past? If the answer is YES, then do the work required to heal yourself. Healing often requires us to slow down or take time out from our day-to-day routines. Reflect and relax. Unplug from the grid. Feel your emotions and then release them. As you feel (the innate growth of) your spirit ever pushing you to expand beyond the notion of who you think you are... Make room for the awakening energy within you to transmute and rise. Set ablaze your Staff of Power, in motion to the rhythm of your sacred soul. Dance the dance of the serpent. 
~ In Light, Tuesday 

Healer Heal Thyself

Teachers, parents, guardians, counselors, tarot readers, healers, caregivers, team leaders,... and everyone that holds space for others to be safe, be well, be educated, be healed, be seen, be heard and be loved..... Take time out to heal yourself!

Know that you can press the pause button on life. And no, the world will not explode without your gifts, though it may implode if you do not slow down once and a while and breathe with purpose. The relations between you and your community, family, clients and friends will only be enhanced by you taking time out to recharge your batteries. 

Listen to the call... What is it? It is your body, your emotions, your mind... asking you to relax. Perhaps some deeper issues or lessons have been calling for your attention. Is it time to do your personal inner work? Your growth is important. We need you to know what it feels like to grow, so that as we enter our own growth, you can hold that space for us too. With Gratitude, xo Tuesday

Friday, June 27, 2014

How to make a Medicine Pouch

Bamboo Warrior 2 'Blog-Banner' Photo Credit: 
Clare Celeste Börsch

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Help your body heal. 
Maintain your center. 
Bring your alter of sacred items with you, wherever you go. 
Learn how to make a Medicine Pouch. 